
Collecting vRAN KPIs with SlapOS

Recent versions of SlapOS Amarisoft software release can collect and send xlog data to remote data lakes using a common file format over fluentd protocol for KPI calculation, consolidation and AI.
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A new test suite for SlapOS REST API

SlapOS new REST API is now validated by a complete test suite which demonstrates the relevance of a content-based approach.
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Rapid Space OCP Remote Installation with Facepro Smart Glasses

A story of remotely installing Mitac OCP servers and Edgecore switch by using Facepro smart glasses and Grandenet's re6st IPv6.
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Nexedi Announces ERP5 Release 5.5

Nexedi announces the availability of ERP5 Release 5.5. With the introduction of ZODB Components, the release extends ERP5's capabilities for 24/7 operation on clusters. It is the first release offering Chinese and German Internationalisation (Translation and Accounting Integration) through ERP5 Configurator. The introduction of code mirror and ace editor makes ERP5 even more suitable as Open Source private PaaS for developers of business applications.
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TioLive partnership training dates

blog post to give the date of the next partnership training.
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BDH first release with repman / mariadb: Automatically deploy cluster and request databases

A blog post about the creation Replication Manager software release and how to request databases.
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Controling a conveyor with the open source software Beremiz

A blog post about the creation of OSIE's first coupler which is being controlled by Beremiz.
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Building a fruit selection machine from scratch

Within the first phase of the project, we built a small production line entirely from open source and open hardware materials in order to have a demonstrator to work on and develop our OSIE components. This blog post explains some of the details.
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Consequences of the CJEU/CNIL decision on HDH

Due to Shrems II ruling by the CJUE, using US or China clouds to process or store personal data of EU residents could be illegal. Practical solution to mitigate legal risks combines local hosting by independent companies and global orchestration without access to data.
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Using Godot game engine to simulate shop floor machinery controlled by ProviewR

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Recent trends in process isolation technologies

Efficient process isolation and portability is still an open problem. Technologies such as ZeroVM which provided a brilliant solution are no longer maintained. Alternatives are emerging: V8: Isolates, Firecracker, gVisor, OSv. Which one could make sense in the context of Nexedi stack?
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A Sample 4G/5G Offer for a Telecom Operator

It is possible to deploy a complete 4G/5G network from radio to billing to using only generic open source hardware (Open Compute Project, Edge-Core, MITAC, ITRenew, etc.), 4G/5G software stack (Amarisoft), SDR hardware (BJT, AW2S) and open source operation management software (Nexedi SlapOS).
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How does Rapid.Space and SlapOS compare to AWS?

75% of cloud services provided by Amazon AWS could actually be implemented with Nexedi Free Software stack and Rapid.Space low cost, high performance cloud. With the addition of a few third party Free Software, 85% of AWS services could be replaced by sovereign alternatives.
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Towards reliable SFTP interfaces

Interfacing two applications through SFTP in a reliable way can be very tricky. This blog lists possible approaches towards reliability and fundamental principles that must be enforced.
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Can Free big data regulate AI and the data economy?

Market does not seem to provide any valid solution to the new issues posed by a data economy which is characterised by a combination of increasing returns and legal blockers to community or ecosystem based competition. As a consequence, the current known optimal organisation to monetise big data and A.I. is the private or state monopoly. We review in this article possible alternatives that could be considered in the future and how to enforce them.
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Five Evolutions of Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing is essentially the automation of IT service provisioning through software which replace human tasks. It is currently evolving in multiple directions. Free Software and Open Hardware will eventually lead to massive price cuts compared to current price levels in USA or Asia. Edge Computing will reduce the need of data centres whenever network latency or availability become critical. Service Workers will eliminate the need of servers, both at the edge or at the data centre, in 90% cases. Big Servers will eventually replace smaller servers as the standard fabric the data centre.
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Rapid.Space: High Performance, Low Cost, Ethical Cloud based on Open Hardware and Free Software

Nexedi launches beta phase of * low cost, high performance, ethical cloud * based on Open Hardware, Open Source Free Software and circular economy
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OfficeJS Iodide: Ubiquitous Data Science Notebooks for Business and Education

Iodide and Pyodide have brought a standard notebook application to OfficeJS that can be used for business reporting, research and education. They support data science libraries such as NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Plotly, etc. and soon scikit-learn. OfficeJS Iodide notebooks can be used offline or online on any modern HTML5 web browser such as Firefox or Chrome. Thanks to JIO, notebooks can be synchronised with Dropbox, WebDAV, ERP5 and any other storage supported by a JIO plugin. Iodide notebooks can also be embedded through RenderJS into any business application. The dream of ubiquitous data sciences at no infrastructure cost has come to a reality.
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5G without USA: yes we can!

European technology suppliers combined with Shenzen ecosystem of small and medium businesses can provide everything that is needed to create latest generation 4G and 5G virtual radio access network (VRAN) infrastructure without depending on USA suppliers and at a fraction of the cost of traditional approaches of the four dominant telecom infrastructure providers.
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How Nexedi moved to HTTP2 with Caddy

After trying and failing to move to HTTP2 using Apache in 2017, Nexedi has adopted Go language based Caddy server. Initial results of HTTP2 show significant speed improvement and good stability. Next step will be the adoption of QUIC. Migration was smooth and entirely automated thank to a test driver devops approach recently introduced in SlapOS.
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