Rapid.Space Press Clippings

Rapid.Space track record in the press and conferences. A good starting point to understand our history.
  • Last Update:2023-06-08
  • Version:001
  • Language:en

Why cloud outages are on the rise

Zero Knowledge can protect patients' data from abortion clinics

SimpleRAN on Aowanda Server

Fully Open APIs for data regulation

vRAN 5G Zhaoxin CPU

2021's 15 Innovative Leaders in The Cloud

From 4G to 5G mobile networks: A natural progression

Partnership with Viettel Telecom on 4G/5G SimpleRAN Solution

5G networks are delivery the lowest latency

Swiss Zone, Privacy and CO2 (press release)

5G can reduce environmental impact of radio communication (interview)

Japan Zone (press release)

Digital Independence (blog)

Euclidia (press release)

Fully Open Cloud as an alternative (contribution)

VPSBrute (press release)

World Health Day Symposium 2021 Global Minnesota - Mark Ritchie (appearance)

Fully Open Cloud for Privacy and Sovereignty (interview)

Future of Cloud (contribution)

Gaia-X (contribution)

Lessons from Pandemic (article)

SimpleRAN (contribution)

Shrems II and CJEU

TEAC Germany event organized by Facebook and Deutsche Telekom (press release and articles)

Rapid.Space Debut (press release)

Open Radio Station (news)

Hydro66 Colocation